Monday, 9 June 2014

Rare Karet turtle saved at Yzer

Huge swells often exceeding six metres and icy water from the Benguela current have been lashing our little coastal town of Yzerfontein for weeks now.
Somewhere on the opposite coastline of Africa, probably north of Durban or even in Mozambique, a hapless turtle got caught up in all this.
Thousands of kilometres later, the animal got washed up on our shores. It was first spotted by local angler Koos Otto who immediately notified everybody he could think of.
In no time there was plenty of help on the scene, amongst others our trusty NSRI.

The icy water and rough conditions had taken their toll, and the 76 Kg animal was hypothermic, dehydrated and tired to the extreme.

The exhausted lady was immediately rushed to the Cape Town Aquarium where she will be receiving loads of TLC.

It is our fervent wish that she will make a full and speedy recovery, after which she will be returned to her home in the warmer climes of the Mozambique current.

It is always heart-warming to know there are still people out there who care.

On her behalf: Thank you all!!